Very Important Person
Date Owner Player Action
02.03.2018 17:46 AdmBot Gabitu Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:44 AdmBot TheKing.RaulFTW Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:31 AdmBot [$]KenT[$] Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:22 AdmBot $J0K3R$ Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:21 AdmBot AlexMafiotuThau Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:10 AdmBot Rogo16ro Left the clan
02.03.2018 17:06 AdmBot Andrei.NSA Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:03 AdmBot ElChapo Joined the clan
02.03.2018 17:01 AdmBot MaSteRgEO Joined the clan
02.03.2018 16:57 AdmBot Rogo16ro Joined the clan
02.03.2018 14:45 AdmBot Emerick.Jr Left the clan
02.03.2018 14:45 AdmBot Lulex. Joined the clan
02.03.2018 14:44 AdmBot Kozmo. Joined the clan
02.03.2018 14:37 AdmBot KoroWasHERE Joined the clan
02.03.2018 14:34 AdmBot Komo.[PITONU] Joined the clan